Help Feed Our Coastie Pets!

As the partial government shutdown continues into its second month, our Coast Guard continues its mission without pay. The Mobile SPCA is asking for your pet food donations to help keep their pets happy and well-fed.

It's clearly a bit ironic that the men and women tasked with defending our nation's coastal borders are not being paid due to a standoff over... border security. But it hasn't stopped them from doing their important work to the best of their abilities. We'd like to see this situation resolved, to see paychecks get to our Coasties and their families, as well as the other federal workers caught in the cross hairs of this political battle. But for now, let's help where we can. For the Mobile SPCA, their mission is animals; and thus, they're offering a helping hand.

Here's the statement from the Mobile SPCA:

The Coast Guard has been good to us and now we have a chance to return the favor! It has taken us awhile to get this going because of the red tape and hoops we had to jump through to make sure that once we collected the food the Coasties would actually be able to take advantage of your generosity! We have partnered with the Coast Guard Enlisted Association Mobile Branch who will be able to distribute the food through their food pantry. If you would like to donate pet food, please bring your donations to the Mobile SPCA office and we will see to it that it gets to the people who need it. The CGEA has a food pantry on base where they are keeping all donations that are made for members to have one central location to pick up donated items!

Again, bring your donations to the Mobile SPCA at 620 Ziegler Circle West in Mobile, right near the fairgrounds. They're open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9AM-5:30PM, til NOON on Thursday, and til 3PM Saturday; closed Sundays and Mondays.

Here's the Mobile SPCA's website:

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