Another Reason To Look Forward To 2021: A New Girl Scout Cookie!

We all need something to look forward to, especially with so many cancellations and disappointments in 2020.

So here's something... the Toast-Yay is coming out in January 2021!

It's the newest Girl Scout cookie... described in the official press release as "French toast–inspired cookie dipped in delicious icing and full of flavor in every bite."

Now, I've been a big Samoa fan pretty much forever... but I'm always willing to try something new. And this looks pretty good.

Oh, and if you were worried that cookie sales might be canceled due to COVID-19... not to fear! Scouts will be selling cookies online and through “virtual cookie booths” on social media.

There's also a gift box option so you can share the cookie love with someone you may not be able to hug right now.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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