Tyndall FCU Teams Up With Mercy Chefs To Help Hurricane Laura Victims

Tyndall Federal Credit Union is donating to Mercy Chefs to provide relief and assistance to victims of Hurricane Laura, and giving you the opportunity to help as well.

Mercy Chefs is an organization that serves professionally prepared meals for victims, volunteers and first responders in disaster areas.

After Hurricane Michael hit Panama City, FL, Mercy Chefs arrived and started cooking. They're STILL helping with meals for those who need them in Panama City.

That's one reason why Tyndall Federal Credit Union, which is based in Panama City, is so passionate about helping Mercy Chefs in their latest effort to help Hurricane Laura victims in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Tyndall Federal Credit Union made the first donation to Mercy Chefs, in the amount of $5,000.

If you would like join Tyndall Federal Credit Union and Mercy Chefs in their efforts to help the victims of Hurricane Laura, visit tyndall.org/hurricanelaura.

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