Moms Who Did It First

We have a lot of women to thank throughout history, for breaking barriers and creating things we couldn't live without. These women did all that and were moms too!

The article "20 Moms Who Did It First" at lists a lot of famous names we know, like Sojourner Truth, Sandra Day O'Connor and Marie Curie.

But these were names I didn't know and their accomplishments need to be shared:

  • Josephine Cochrane- When you load your dishwasher tonight, thank this busy mother of two for inventing the very first one.
  • Marie Donovan- This mother of three got tired of dealing with diaper rash and having to clean cloth diapers, so she invented the first waterproof disposable diapers.
  • Ruth Wakefield- God bless this woman! She invented chocolate chip cookies back in the 1930s. Wakefield developed the Toll House cookie recipe while working at the Toll House Inn.
  • Ruth Handler- This woman created Barbies in 1959 after seeing how much her daughter loved paper dolls. Oh, and she named her doll after her daughter Barbara.
  • Victoria Knight McDowell- This mom and former teacher invented the immunity supplement Airborne with her husband in the 1990s, which is nothing to sneeze at. (Ok, sorry... couldn't help it)

So you may have noticed a common thread here. These women had everyday mom problems and found a solution for them, which has benefitted all of us moms since then.

What mom kind of problem is bugging you? Ideas on how to solve it? Would love to add to this list!

(Source: Cafe Mom)

(Photo: Getty Images)

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