What are we doing for Easter? That's what one of the kids asked last week and I didn't have a good answer.
Church, yes. Probably ham. But it's not like when they were little and we had all kinds of Easter fun going on.
Found a few ideas you might want to try with your teens and twenty-somethings, to keep those Easter traditions going (courtesy of Scary Mommy)
- Hide money in Easter eggs- Just don't tell them; let them discover it on their own. And maybe fill some with candy, others with money, just to keep things interesting. It definitely ups the Easter Egg Hunting game.
- Get takeout- Spend your time with your kids, instead of all day in the kitchen. You can still set the table for Easter and make it festive!
- Keep doing the Easter baskets- My kids still get baskets. And sometimes I throw in little gifts along with the candy-- bath bombs, gift cards, makeup, whatever they like.
- Do some of the things you used to do when they were little- Who knows? They still might like dying Easter eggs. And they won't have to call you when they're older and ask you how to boil eggs (like I did when I was first married and had to take 2 dozen eggs to the church egg hunt! LOL! I had to call every year, because it's the only time I boiled eggs!)
(Photo: Getty Images)