1st Grader Asks Old Navy For Girls' Jeans With Real Pockets AND GETS THEM!

I have a new hero.... a first grader named Kamryn Gardner.

After learning about persuasive writing in class, she decided to try it for herself.

So she wrote a letter to Old Navy.

She wrote: "I do not like that the front pockets of the girls jeans are fake.

I want front pockets because I want to put my hands in them. I also would like to put things in them.

Would you consider making girls jeans with front pockets that are not fake. Thank you for reading my request."

Old Navy not only responded to her letter, thanking her for the feedback--- they also sent her 4 pair of girls jeans and shorts with REAL POCKETS!

I'm hoping this will translate to women's fashion as well, because I hate fake pockets too!

(Photo: Getty Images)

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