Are You Suffering from Password Anxiety?

These days you have to have a password for everything. And most of us are strugging to keep up.

A new survey from LastPass was pretty disheartening:

Over the past month, the average American has been locked out of 10 online accounts because they forgot the password.

63% of people say it happens a lot.

65% of respondents admit they’d forget their passwords unless they wrote it down somewhere. Another 65% say they panic when they realize their computer or phone doesn't have it stored.

In fact, 57% say if they lost their phone they’d be locked out of most of their accounts, including their bank account.

A lot of us have websites we avoid because we have no clue what the password (and sometimes user ID) could be.


Our old go-to was the Password folder at home. We'd write down new passwords, literally on scraps of paper or even a napkin, and throw it in the Password folder. Not very efficient, to say the least. But it's still my husband's go-to.

You could save it to a document, but then you run the risk of getting hacked and someone getting everything... or accidentally deleting it and losing everything.

This may be why we have anxiety.

(P.S. I never promised to fix it. Just identifying the problem)

(Photo: Getty Images)

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