4 Year Old Boy Orders $2600 Worth of SpongeBob Popsicles

Ok, a disclaimer. The first thing my 20-something son said when he saw this story is thank goodness this wasn't available when he was little, because he TOTALLY would have done something like this kid did.

This kid, Noah, is 4 years old. And he likes SpongeBob popsicles. So he ordered some.

He ordered $2618.85 worth of popsicles, sent to his aunt's house.

Imagine having 51 cases of popsicles dropped off on your porch.

And you've probably guessed it... they're not returnable.

His mom, who is working her way through grad school and juggling student loans, was in a panic, til a fellow grad student started a Go Fund Me with Noah's sweet picture (with popsicle, of course).

Now they've more than paid for the popsicles and they're working on those student loans!

And Noah has a lifetime supply of his favorite treat... assuming his aunt found enough freezers.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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