Airlines May Start WEIGHING Passengers?

It's one thing to go through the screening process, which, sometimes is awkward enough at the airport.

But if they ask me to step on a scale, I don't know if I could do it!

That could become potentially a new part of the boarding process for airlines, because the FAA is considering weighing passengers before they board flights to make sure the plane isn't overloaded.

And yes, it's mainly due to the increase in obesity in America.

They're already having to up the average weight estimate per passenger when they're figuring out how many people can be on a plane safely.

I get that... there is a safety issue.

And it's not a question of will they let you on board or not. They're just trying to figure out, on average, how much passengers weigh. Reportedly, they'll give you the right to opt out, if you want.

Nothing's been decided yet. They're still weighing their options (pardon the pun).

By the way, there ARE other countries that are already doing this.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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