Feeling Tired? As Much As I Hate To Admit It, Chocolate Is Not The Answer

Before you do what I just did, which is reach in the desk drawer and grab a candy bar because you're tired and need a quick energy boost.... you might want to reach for something else.

Nutritionists say you'll get more energy from lower glycemic impact foods like green vegetables and low sugar fruits.

What happens when you do what I just did, you eat foods high in sugar, your energy level shoots up, yay, that's what you wanted, but then it comes crashing down again.

Top choices to boost energy?

My daughter's go-to food, bananas (but it's hard to keep those in your desk drawer).

Nuts are a good option.

Fatty fish like tuna (those little packets make it easy to keep handy)

Avocados and apples

And leafy greens

(Photo: Getty Images)

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