5 Year Old Hiked The Appalachian Trail Before Starting Kindergarten

Can you imagine the first day of kindergarten for little Harvey Sutton, when the teacher asked what did you do on your summer vacation?

He hiked the Appalachian Trail. The whole thing. Over 2,100 miles.

Of course, it was more than just summer vacation. It took 209 days.

Harvey and his parents started in January, when Harvey was 4, and finished just in time for kindergarten.

So how do you keep a kid that age interested for that long?

He was happy checking out lizards, frogs and other wildlife along the way.

As for maintaining his energy... kids that age have lots of that, plus he fueled up with peanut butter tortillas sprinkled with Skittles.

Hear more about his adventures in this podcast on iHeartRadio --

Photo: Getty Images

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