An Eagle Scout at 85!

He fell one badge short of Eagle Scout some 70 years ago.  Now he's getting that badge.

And he's earning it alongside 12 other Scouts from Troop 113 in Saraland... no corners to cut, no shortcuts.

Here's more on the story, from a news release from the Mobile County Health Dept:

"James Currie, the Graphic Communication Specialist at MCHD, is also Scout Master for Troop 113. He said Leon Pringle Jr. has volunteered with the group for years, and always told the young Scouts how he regrets not completing his Eagle Scout certification.

James contacted the BSA office and found there is a special program for adults wishing to finish their certification. Mr. Pringle met all of the requirements. James said Mr. Pringle is as excited as all the other Scouts in this pursuit."

An adult becoming an Eagle Scout?  Not common, but it does have precedent-- 

Photo Credit: BSA Troop 113 of Saraland, AL Facebook page...  

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