Justin Timberlake Defends Pink's Beach Day

Pink had to cancel a couple of concerts last week, because she's sick.  

Then the paparazzi snap a photo of her lounging on the beach and some fans felt they had been lied to about her illness.  

Pink wanted fans to know that one photo does NOT tell the whole story.  So she told her story on Instagram.

Then Justin Timberlake jumped in to support Pink for her work ethic and for being able to juggle being a Mom, a grueling concert schedule, and being sick.

And let's be real about what Pink does for a living.  It's not like working a desk job when you've got an upper respiratory infection or gastric virus.  She's singing, dancing and doing things like THIS-- 

Some fans get it...

Oh, and for those who had doubts about whether she was really sick or not.... she ended up in the hospital this weekend.

(Photo Credit:  Getty Images)

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