Elmo Helps Kids (and Adults) Prepare For Hurricanes

My kids didn't have Sesame Street videos to help them deal with hurricanes, but they DID consider it an adventure.

That's because they stayed at the radio station during the really bad storms, like Ivan and Katrina.  

They got to go out on the roof when the winds started picking up (which, by the way, I didn't find out til later, because I was on the radio at the time)... and we all slept on the floor on air mattresses and in sleeping bags.  

And we were lucky enough to go home right after the storm.

With Florence heading to the Carolinas, this video from The Weather Channel and Sesame Street is very timely.  It helps kids understand that they need to prepare for a storm... they may have to leave home before the storm... and it may be a while before they can get back home.  

But the main thing is, they're safe.  Good lesson for grown-ups as well.

This video is the first in a series with The Weather Channel and Sesame Street.

But this isn't the first time Sesame Street has tried to help kids deal with disaster.  In fact, they have several videos that do just that, on their special Handling Emergencies page.  It helps kids tackle all kinds of emergencies.  And helps parents to get them through it.  

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