You May Be Asked To Wear A Mask When You Get Your Hair Cut

I need a haircut.

I am not alone. In fact, I'm constantly seeing tweets and Facebook posts of people in desperate need of a haircut... or hair dye... because salons and barber shops were closed.

Some unfortunate souls tried to fix the problem themselves. Which has led to even more social media posts.

But we're starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. My stylist texted and made a tentative appointment, in hopes the Stay At Home order will be lifted soon.

HOWEVER... back open does not mean back to normal.

For these businesses to reopen, they will have to take safety measures. Some will be mandated; others may be steps the business feels are necessary, at least for now.

Take a look at what my stylist is doing at her shops. (See post below)

You may be asked to wear a mask when you get your hair cut. Or dyed. (So don't wear a really cool one, because it may get some dye on it.)

And keep this in mind... if you really want to support small businesses, the best way is to help make this process as smooth as possible. It may be inconvenient for you, but for them, it's the only way they can get their businesses back up and running.

And we'll all look better in the long run.

Recommendations for safety measures were included in the Coronavirus Task Force report April 17th--

"Non-Essential" Businesses Start Re-Opening

(Photo credit: Getty Images Jessica McGowan / Stringer)

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