1/5 - 1/7
BLACK JACKET SYMPHONY presents LED ZEPPELIN “IV”- Fri 8pm, Mobile Saenger Theatre
The Black Jacket Symphony offers a unique concert experience through recreating classic albums in a live performance setting. Led Zeppelin’s “IV” album is performed in its entirety by a group of handpicked musicians specifically selected for that album. The second set features a selection of Led Zeppelin’s greatest hits. CLICK HERE
BLACK JACKET SYMPHONY presents TOM PETTY’S “DAMN THE TORPEDOES”- Sat 8pm, Pensacola Saenger Theatre
The Black Jacket Symphony offers a unique concert experience through recreating classic albums in a live performance setting. Tom Petty’s “Damn the Torpedoes”is performed in its entirety by a group of handpicked musicians specifically selected for that album. The second set features a selection of Tom Petty’s greatest hits. CLICK HERE
PENSACOLA’S MARDI GRAS KICK OFF- Fri 5pm-until, Palafox Place, downtown Pensacola
Pensacola Mardi Gras Krewes bring their floats to historical Palafox Place for an evening filled with live entertainment, the cutting of the official City of Pensacola King Cake, blessing of the Pensacola Mardi Gras Krewes and their floats, and fun events for the entire family, including the biggest and best authentic second line procession anywhere. CLICK HERE
FIRST FRIDAY ARTWALK- Fri 6pm-8pm, downtown Fairhope
Visit local merchants in Downtown Fairhope as they open late and highlight the art community. Start your ArtWalk at the Eastern Shore Art Center. CLICK HERE
MPD 3rd Annual CHILI COOK-OFF- Sat 10am-2pm, Cathedral Square, downtown Mobile
The public is invited to taste the best chili in the city – cooked by Mobile police officers! Proceeds benefit the Mobile Police Foundation and Crime Prevention Unit. CLICK HERE
CLAY WALKER- Sun 7pm, The Steeple on St Francis, downtown Mobile, CLICK HERE
JASON ISBELL & THE 400 UNIT- Sun 8pm, Mobile Saenger Theatre, CLICK HERE
BB KING’S BLUES BAND featuring TITO JACKSON- Fri 8pm, IP Casino Biloxi, CLICK HERE
WWE LIVE- Sun 5pm, Mobile Civic Center, CLICK HERE
ICE SKATING AT THE FORT OF COLONIAL MOBILE- Thurs 10am-8pm; Fri/Sat 10am-9pm; Sun 10am-8pm, CLICK HERE
ICE SKATING AT THE WHARF- through Jan 14th-- 4-10 p.m. (Monday-Friday); 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (Saturday-Sunday), The Wharf, Orange Beach, CLICK HERE
CURIOUS GEORGE: LET’S GET CURIOUS - LAST WEEKEND! Thru Jan 7, Gulf Coast Exploreum, downtown Mobile
The new exhibit, Curious George: Let’s Get Curious!, will introduce young children to Curious George’s world and lead visitors on a fun, meaningful interactive math, science and engineering-based adventure. CLICK HERE
INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY (PG13)- Parapsychologist Dr. Elise Rainier faces her most fearsome and personal haunting yet - in her own family home. This is the 4th chapter in the Insidious film series Stars Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson
Don’t plan your weekend without your Best Bets- local events, movies, concerts and more!