A lot of companies are surveying their employees about returning to work amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
But there are some questions that weren't on our company's survey... like changes in the dresscode.
We've gotten a little slack in that department!
Tons of people either worked from home or are still working from home . . . and they've gotten used to a certain level of comfort.
EXTREME comfort.
According to a new survey, one out of three people say that when this is all over, we should be able to wear SLIPPERS to the office.
Unfortunately, 56% of people don't think their work is going to loosen up its dress code . . . at least not THAT much.
The survey also found two-thirds of people say they were RELIEVED when they found out they'd be working from home longer than they actually planned.
And the average person wears their pajamas for more than a quarter of their workday.
(Photo: Getty Images)