The reporter said she wasn't sure if she should even ask the question... but she posed it anyway to officials with the World Health Organization.
She said one of the things that worries many children is if Santa will be able to leave home this Christmas.
After all, he's very old, he's overweight.. will Santa be able to travel?
The answer? The pandemic will not stop Santa from delivering gifts this year.
Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove says Santa IS older, but he is immune to COVID-19. She says both Santa and Mrs. Claus are doing well, but they're very busy.
Dr. Kerkhove says the WHO has heard from a number of leaders around the world who say they are allowing Santa to enter the air space.
She added it's still important for children to be safe by wearing a mask, socially distancing and washing their hands.
This question had already been settled in the U.S. by Dr Anthony Fauci last month....
(Photo: Getty Images)