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Mobile Closing Downtown Streets On Mardi Gras Day For Social Distancing

From the City of Mobile:

"Even though there will not be parades this year, the City of Mobile will be closing streets in the entertainment district of Downtown Mobile for celebrations on Fat Tuesday. On Tuesday, February 16, 2021, Dauphin Street will be closed from S. Washington Avenue to Royal Street as will all through streets that run between Dauphin Street and St. Francis/Government streets in this same area.

COVID-19 may have changed our plans, but it won’t shake our Mardi Gras spirit.

We know that Mardi Gras is an important holiday and Mobilians may want to come downtown. Closing these streets will allow more space for social distancing in open, outdoor spaces. Government Street will also be closed near Mardi Gras Park."

(Credit: City of Mobile)

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