"Emotional labor"? Yes, it's a thing.

According to a recent write-up in "The New York Post", there's a trendy new term that men should know (especially the less industrious ones) called "emotional labor." It's all about stepping up and taking the lead on things.

Many women feel like they're functioning as the "mom" in their relationship, where they constantly have to ask their husband or boyfriend to help out and do stuff.  Of course, it ends up stressing both people out.  But "emotional labor" isn't just about doing chores or being lazy.

It also involves the "mental load" of things like tracking your kid's calendar and knowing when their next doctor visit is.  These things take time, effort, and focus.  And women tend to shoulder more of the responsibility - and more of the stress that comes with it. 

(Here's the "want you to WANT to do the dishes" scene from "The Break-Up.")

Don't feel bad if you're still confused, guys. I'll admit I'm still at least a little fuzzy on the subject.

But I'm trying to understand, and hopefully, that counts for something.

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